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Please write down Contact's name, Phone number, Email address, Make, Model and Serial
number of the instrument along with detailed description of the problem and attach it
securely to the instrument.
IMPORTANT! We urge you to carefully follow instructions on
page 2 of the Service Request Form in order to avoid possible costly damage to your
property. Please note that shipping insurance claim may be denied if you do not package
your equipment according to the carrier's guidelines. If you want to avoid packing we can
loan you a padded equipment transit case free of charge, (customer will be
responsible for paying shipping and will need to leave a deposit). We recommend that
large or heavy items be shipped via Federal Express. Please contact us for any other
questions related to shipping, insurance or choice of carrier.
Equiptek Labs, Inc.
3585 Haven Ave., Unit F
Menlo Park, CA 94025
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NIST traceable calibration service is available for most types of equipment for an extra fee. If interested please ask for the cost of this service.
No prepayment for repair is necessary. We will contact you for payment after repair is
We accept VISA/MC/AMEX. No NET-30 terms will be available to the first time customers with
an exception of US & Canadian Universities and most Colleges, US Government
institutions and Fortune 1000 companies. We may also accept other types of test
equipment in lieu of repair payment.
There is no charge for uncompleted repairs due to the lack of replacement parts or if
we determine that equipment is beyond economical repair. You will be however asked to
pay for return shipping.
EXCEPTION If we determine that your equipment is beyond
economical repair due to damage or missing parts from earlier unsuccessful repair attempt,
you will be charged $90.00 evaluation fee in addition to return shipping charges.
Please note that customer is responsible for all return shipping charges. You may use
your company's UPS, FedEx, DHL accounts or we can add shipping to repair charges. Please
specify the type of return service you prefer; Ground, 3 Day, 2 Day, Overnite.
If the cost of replacement parts exceeds $10.00, sales tax will be charged on the price of replaced parts.